Welcome to the IMproving Prophylactic Antibiotic use for Recurrent urinary Tract infection (IMPART) study website.
If you have recuring urinary tract infections, the IMPART study aims to help you by improving shared decision-making between you and your healthcare professional through the development of a patient decision aid.
Urinary tract infections (also called UTIs) are very common in women. If you have a UTI (or have had a UTI in the past) you willknow it can cause severe symptoms and impact your ability to do normal activities and reduce your quality of life.
Some women get numerous UTIs or get worsening urinary symptoms due to infection. Healthcare professionals call these ‘recurrent urinary tract infections’ when two urinary infections occur in six months or three in 12 months.
If you have ‘recurrent UTIs’ then the IMPART study aims to help you. We aim to create a decision aid including the different treatment options along with the benefits and risks for each option. This can help discussions with your healthcare professional as to the best treatment option for you.
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